Forcer: A FORM program for evaluating four-loop massless propatator-type Feynman integrals. [DOI]
FORM: A system for formula manipulation of very big expressions.
MT: A Mathematica package to compute convolutions.
AppendPath.m: A Mathematica package to manipulate
permanently. [Raw] -
autobreak: A LaTeX package for simple line breaking of long formulae. [CTAN]
axodraw2e.sty: An extension of the axodraw2 package. [Raw]
beamertheme-naive: A simple beamer theme. [Raw]
- checks stedi-folds. [Raw]
cookiecutter-kakenhi-latex-makefile: Cookiecutter template for KAKENHI-LaTeX with a Makefile.
cookiecutter-latex-makefile: Cookiecutter template for LaTeX documents with a Makefile.
disk-blame finds directories consuming large disk spaces or number of i-nodes. [Raw]
dotfiles: My dotfiles.
- A FORM lint. [Raw]
- A FORM log profiler. [Raw]
formset generates the FORM setup file
for your machine. [Raw] - Applet working without browsers/appletviewer. [Raw]
git-onedrive manages Git repositories on OneDrive from WSL. Use at your own risk. [Raw]
git-push-as-develop pushes the current Git branch to the remote’s
branch. [Raw] -
git-recommit (re)creates a new commit with the last commit message. [Raw]
git-wc counts the number of lines in a git repository. [Raw]
- extracts computer-readable data from BASES results. [Raw]
homebrew-form: Homebrew tap for FORM and related software.
homebrew-loops: Homebrew tap for software packages for loop calculations.
JHEP-mod.bst: A modified JHEP.bst. [Raw]
listings-form.sty: A FORM language driver for listings. [Raw]
Makefile for LaTeX: An all-in-one Makefile for LaTeX2e documents. [Raw]
my-iopart-num.bst: A modified iopart-num.bst. [Raw]
mympltools: My personal utilities and settings for Matplotlib.
ndiff: A program to compare numerical values in files. [Raw]
paramcard: Fortran’s command-line parameter input made simple.
- A script to show statistics on PBS computing nodes. [Raw]
polybench: A benchmark test for multivariate polynomial routines.
python-form: A Python package for communicating with FORM. [PyPI] [DOI]
- runs and updates (overwrites) a Mathematica notebook via WolframScript. [Raw]
tikz-external-hash.sty: A patch to the TikZ externalization library to use a hash of contents of a picture as the cache file name. [Raw]
term.gnuplot: A gnuplot framework for encapsulating terminal-dependence. [Raw]